Always should be 

​Always should be, 

The love had given 

We know that! 

However we forward

No more hidden 

No more darkness 

God created 

To be lovers.
Always should be, 

The life is Impacting 

We take photos and words

Our people are took 

Time and place 

Whatever, and how can! 

It’s happen to believe. 
Always should be, 

The faith is the best 

Everybody taken 

Everything shown 

We pay and sold 

To know 

That’s all are fact

No one can live alone! 
Always should be, 

The world is word

You and i can be found 

Nothing to lose 

If we happy

If we help 

By smile, and by honest

That’s in the best

To move

To give 

No one can be shadow 

So my poem 

Every time had to write 

And that’s  i am. 
A. Aljaber 

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